Bushido Wüstems

Bushido Wüstems e.V.

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Grading Event at PTTA Germany

Finally, after last year's (2020) grading was canceled in Hessen (Germany) due to the Covid Pandemic, a PTTA sanctioned grading event was able to take place under strict Covid guidelines.

Due to ever-changing local covid travel regulations, Tuhon Jared had to cancel his trip at the last minute and asked the three German Directors to fill in for him.
Mandalas Johannes Renninghoff, Lars Helms, and John Frankhuisen immediately said yes to fill in for Tuhon Jared and that the participants (who prepared for their respective gradings in 2020!) were able to be graded for their skill levels.

Saturday, September 4th was dedicated to the Yakan Level gradings
and Sunday, September 5th for the Lakan levels.

The participants were divided into their respective grading groups and one Mandala took them under their wing and first taught a 2,5 seminar covering different aspects of their level, to freshen up and fine-tune the participants for the grading that took place right after the Seminar.

In total, 58 people were successfully graded and received new rank(s) and 86 people attended the seminars prior to the grading. Afterward, all the attendees were happy and satisfied to have attained new ranks and new input for their training.
A special thanks goes to Agalon Bert Gemmerich who organized the venue and had a competent team to help with the flawless registration and to make sure all the covid rules were adhered to.

-Mandala John Frankhuisen


Bild 1 und 2: Unsere Damen Stephanie Roeder und Luna Paffhausen zeigen beim Seminar zum Yakan Dalawa, wie man einen Angreifer nach einer Selbstverteidigungskombination am Boden festlegen kann.

Bild 3: Christoph Haala und Michael Schneider mit ihren Trainingspartnern in Aktion.

Gruppenbild 1: Nach dem Lakan Seminar und Grading von links nach rechts stehend: Mandala Lars Helms, Lakan Guro Mike Koch (Trainer Bushido Wüstems) Mandala Johannes Renninghoff (Trainer Bushido Wüstems), Andrée Schlüter und Arco Tietze mit ihren Urkunden zum Lakan Isa, Justin Phlak

Knieend: Patrick Balmert mit seiner Urkunde zum Lakan Dalawa, Luna Paffhausen, Mandala John Frankhuisen (nicht auf dem Bild Patrick Pfleger zum Lakan Dalawa)

Gruppenbild 2: aller Yakan Levels mit unseren Mitgliederinnen und Mitgliedern:

Yakan Isa: Marvin Fey (stehend 2. Von links), Nadine Crecelius (knieend 2 von links), Rene Michalek (stehend hintere Reihe 2. von links)

Yakan Dalawa: Michael Schneider (knieend 4. von links), Christoph Haala (hintere Reihe rechts), Stephanie Roeder (1. Reihe stehend 5. Von links)

Yakan Tatlo: Luna Paffhausen (1. Reihe stehend 6. von links),